DR650s in the TEXAS Hill Country

2 years ago

This video shows a scenic not very well known county road through seldom seen ranch country in the south Texas hills. Quick note: you have to go through several livestock gates- leave them as you found them. Don't be that guy that let cattle out and now the road is posted. Cell service is spotty in places but don't loose sleep over it. Anyway- after an always nice ride on TX16, once in Medina head west about 2 miles and look for FR2107, a normal looking road until you see the sign for road ends in 9 miles. When looking on a map you'll notice 2107 runs parallel to the famous 337. This one just happens to be dirt. Unfortunately it dead ends about a half mile from connecting with 337. Go through the first gate and start taking in the scenery and the low water crossings. This water is the N Prong of the Medina River and tends to stay in varying stages of wetness. One hot tip here watch for slipperier than synthetic 20-50 algae on rocks. I'm proof its there. I Hate to keep nagging but only the road is public not the land and water. Chunky dipping is out besides Medina and Bandera have good chow and rooms. Well known owner of 2 DR360s invited me to take a ride and it was worth every minute. I'm a Harley rider and haven't been on a dirt bike in a while but you don't forget. After the algae splash I'll probably stick to pavement from here on out- at least till my scuff marks heal up. Interestingly- this road is not shown on Butlers Hill Country map. So yeah there's a lot of fences around here, this could be a nice starter road to get the feel of your bike. This is Ralph the TexasRider from Kerrville- Happy Motoring

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