monkey harassed by puppy.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Fully enjoyment😅😅😅

2 years ago

Well yes, chimps have way more brainpower than dogs. They can use sign language, drive cars and perform complex tasks. ... Studies show that dogs can understand context over chimps. As this study shows, if you do the same thing with a chimp, the chimp will totally ignore your cues.

Dogs make excellent pets because we and they have spent the last 40,000 or so years adapting to one another’s lifestyles. Dogs integrate easily into human households. Dogs have been bred in a variety of shapes, sizes, abilities, and temperaments, so most people whose expectations are realistic and are willing to do a little research can find a suitable pooch. Their nutritional needs aren’t hard to meet—suitable commercial foods are widely available, or food can be made fairly easily for owners who choose to prepare their own. Health care for dogs is available almost anywhere there’s a veterinary office. Dogs are easy to obtain. If one prefers a puppy, the pup can leave its mother and litter mates at 8 weeks of age. Finally, most dogs like humans. Even dogs whose experiences with people have been negative can be great pets. They respond well to affection, kindness, and decent treatment.

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