National Anthem of Panama - Himno Istmeño (Instrumental Midi)

3 years ago

"Himno Istmeño" (English: Isthmian Hymn or Isthmus Anthem) is the national anthem of Panama. The music was written by Santos A. Jorge, and the lyrics by Jeronimo de la Ossa in 1903. It was also known as "Alcanzamos por fin la victoria" (At last we reached victory).

(Spanish Lyrics / Letra Himno) .
Alcanzamos por fin la victoria
En el campo feliz de la unión;
Con ardientes fulgores de gloria
¡Se ilumina la nueva nación!

(English Lyrics / Translation)
At last we reached victory
In the joyous field of the union;
With ardent fires of glory
A new nation shines bright.

Panamanian National Anthem / Himno Nacional de Panama / Himno Panameño / Hino Nacional do Panamá / Hymne National du Panama / Hymne Panaméen / Panamaische Nationalhymne / Гимн Панамы / Inno Nazionale di Panama / Volkslied van Panama / Nationalhymne von Panama / Panamese Volkslied / Inno Nazionale Panamense / Hymn Panamy / パナマ国歌 / Himna Paname / Imnul Panama / Panamská Hymna / Panama Milli Marşı / Panamai Himnusz / Panama Himnusza / Lagu Kebangsaan Panama / نشيد بنما الوطني

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