Bug Out and Anarchy l Year on the Road Overlanding 1998 Jeep TJ

2 years ago

Good Morning,

The following is a complete transcription of the video. Some of our viewers have asked about adding different language subtitles. While we figure out the finer details of that, please copy and paste the text below to translate the context of the video to your applicable language.

We just spent a couple of days out in the middle of nowhere. No service. Collect our thoughts a bit. I think everybody's idea of sh!t hit the fan is a little different. Whenever that time comes that you need to bug out. Could be something for weather, an approaching wildfire, or crazy incoming storm. Or it could be a a tyrannical government, closing its public houses, lock down its people. That was enough for me.

Over the course of this journey we've spent a lot of time separate from society, we removed ourselves. That was the point of the bug out, right? Gone. Disappear into the mountains. Always in hopes things would blow over and society might come to their senses. Every time we returned to different societies all over, different towns, cities. It was very apparent that society had not gotten their sh!t together. We want no part of it. No part of this nonsense goin on. M@nd@tes and Muzzles. Not doing it.

This place was a little sanctuary for us on our bug out. We found a place where society hadn't quite lost their mind. Everyone as cordial. Welcoming. We found campers, leaned into that community. Out here in the middle of nowhere.

Now I've come to realize, there's a community out here. Its wonderful. It operates separately from societal norms. Well folks, thats anarchy.

We reject society in its current state. Normality in some places is just appalling to what I know of people in a civil society. Ultimately it comes down to your actions, what do you choose to do? Now, where at a point, what business do you patronize, what businesses do you patron? Where can you travel? Where can you eat? Where can you work?

The economic situation aside, the cost of living is an entirely other discussion. But now, we'll have a secular divide. Segregation. Clean, dirty, however you want to say it. I understand the OSHA mandate is taking affect. That just further divides a people. I understand that should mandate all the employers with over 100 employees m@nd@te a v*ccine or do weekly checks. I understand its pretty expensive for the latter. So...this doesn't make sense, why you should need to disclose medical information just to do your job. Perform a service to society. Your freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

But if you let the people go. They shine. Develop secular infrastructure. Ranchers forming new slaughter houses. Growing small towns, developing infrastructure. That are not under these mandates or in states that refuse.

Watching this first hand over the last year and half, we've been traveling, was by far, the most overwhelming experience of my life. I wanted to film and talk about it as it was happening, I couldn't believe what was happening before my eyes. This was our bug out. This was apocalyptic. Chains on doors. Muzzled frenzy. People in dire fear. It was insanity. Just to another town, a handshake and a cup of coffee. I couldn't quite come to grips with it. Some places, deemed a murderer, for just carrying on with life....in pursuit of happiness. In other places, a welcomed traveler. People eager to share stories of their local culture and adventures. I don't know, it was overwhelming. And everything I thought would go wrong, did. Big picture. Small picture.

You learn a lot about yourself and those around you, when times are worst and you've lost everything. We'll endure. Thrive!

I won't be muzzled.

Welcome to the show!

With Love,
Blake, Chelsea, Charlie and Blue

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