Part 2/4 - Whats Really in the Vaccine? Karen Kingston reveals US PATENTS

2 years ago

Karen Kingston - Pfizer Bio Analyst reveals US PATENTs inside the JAB.

Commentary | Poison Death Shot: Confirmed by Highly Credible Experts–Ventura County BOS Meeting – October 5, 2021 Agenda #8
Added by Debra Tash on October 3, 2021.
Saved under Conservative, Editorial, Opinion
Tags: bioweapons, graphene oxide, Joseph Mercola, Judy Bruce, spike protein, Vaccines, VAERS
Opinion by Judy Bruce

According to Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, all of the covid-19 ‘vaccines’ are bioweapons. Stew Peters with Karen Kingston – former Pfizer employee CONFIRMS Poison in C0vid kill Sh0t (

The former Pfizer employee confirmed that graphene oxide, which is poisonous to humans, is not listed in the patent applications. It is the main ingredient in the hydrogel which can be used to create a brain-computer interface with AI. It is a conductor of electricity and can host a magnetic field. When the graphene oxide in the vaccines becomes positively charged, such as by electromagnetic radiation, radio frequency, wireless devices, wireless networks such as 5g, etc., it will annihilate anything it meets and therefore can cause great damage and death depending on how much of it exists in the body and where it is located. She says that multiple covid-19 ‘vaccines and booster shots may increase the amount of graphene oxide in the body.

She said: “The covid-19 vaccine study should have been stopped when, during a study with mice, 80% died within 24 hours and the remainder died within the next few days.”

Three other experts, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Michael Yeadon, PhD., former Vice President of Pfizer, and chief scientist, and Dr. Robert Mallone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine, say that the jabbed are “condemned to a premature and certain, agonizing death.” The mRNA travels to every cell in your body causing all your cells to become spike protein factories. Spike protein a major health threat, warns mRNA vaccine inventor | Cairns News

They say: “Suppression and coercion is so blatant and pervasive that doctors who merely voice an opinion contrary to the narrative are deplatformed and silenced” and even have their licenses revoked!

Yeadon, and Zelenko and Mallone believe the COVID-19 shots could reduce life expectancy by several decades, depending on several factors, including whether you’re required to get booster shots. In fact, there may be reason to suspect that many who get the jabs and subsequent boosters could lose their lives within two to three years, because of pathogenic priming. Pathogenic Priming is a serious type of “Auto-Immune” response when the body attacks itself when it detects a pathogen—in this case—the spike proteins. Dr. Zelenko Warns 75% of Vaxxed Could Be Dead in 3 Years | Health | Before It’s News (

The VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System) and other government reports that have been filed are being erased off the server to hide the truth from people. As well as the fact that thousands of people who have tried to report their adverse effects, have been denied the right to report them. Additionally, a VAERS whistleblower reports: “45,000 dead from the vaccine within 3 days of the shot: VAERS Whistleblower: “45,000 Dead From Covid-19 Vaccines Within 3 Days of Vaccination”, Sparks Lawsuit Against Federal Government – Rights and Freedoms (

Taking all this into account, Dr Zelenko calculates there’s been at least 200,000 dead Americans from the vaccines already. He categorizes the risks of COVID-19 “vaccines” into three categories: acute, subacute, and long-term.

The acute phase lasts about three months; and death commonly occurs within 48 hours of injection. Death within three to four days occur due to the mRNA disseminating through the vascular system producing spike proteins which are causing a staggering amount of people experiencing blood clots. According to Zelenko, 40% of these events occur within the first two days after injection.

Beyond the two-to three-year mark are the long-term risks, which are even more difficult to predict. One particularly difficult risk to predict or quantify is infertility. It’ll take decades before we have the data on reproductive effects. But quite frankly, most will be dead because that is the primary goal of the poison death shot.

Why do I say that? It’s because there have been people advocating for population reduction for decades. Here is Bill Gates’ Ted talk video: “and if we do a really good job on vaccines, we can reduce the population.” Bill Gates – Population Reduction @ TED 2010 – YouTube

It’s staggering how many people believe politicians, drug companies and media—all who lie!! You are not fooling us; we know you are all bought and paid for!

Sources: Joseph Mercola and

Judy Bruce, Simi Valley

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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