Contact Report 782 Translation

2 years ago

Date and time of contact: Friday, 5th November 2021, 22:17 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
Date of original translation: Sunday, 14th November 2021
Corrections and improvements made: Christian Frehner, Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah

Seven Hundred and Eighty-second Contact
Friday, 5th November 2021, 22:17 hrs

Hello, my friend, Eduard – are you here?

Yes, I am back here. Just a moment, I will be right up front. – Here I am already. Greetings, Ptaah, my friend. We finished everything early today, besides, not all of us are here today, because some are ill, others are absent because they had to do other things.

Which is also why I am coming here now. It is cold outside, so I was still in my flying apparatus, waiting and listening to you, because I assumed you would not be long.

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