Constitutional Republic, My A*s

2 years ago

Anybody else having serious doubts about the America we got -versus- the America our founding fathers fought literal battles (& overcame a literal Revolution) for us to have?

To serve as a reminder to those of you who've definitely forgotten (or perhaps never learned to begin with)..

There are men who actually died during that war.

A LOT of men.

Just gave up the rest of their own life, for you, and for me; and for every American citizen today -- no matter what we went through, or what it took, for us to become one.

I think it's also important to remember that most of the men who didn't die in combat still gave up the remainder of their full lives by creating the very best system they could for us and for this country to ensure each American be granted equal opportunity and equal constitutional rights..the very same rights you have today that you're allowing to be taken from you directly in front of your eyes.

& it's not just wrong.

It's disrespectful.

I can say, with certainty, that our founding fathers didn't do all they did to:

- bless the pockets of a handful of self-righteous and greedy, scumbag, media moguls, like the Murdochs.

- permit pathetic cowards, like Zuckerberg or Dorsey, who have both, extraordianarily, managed to make it this far in life without the use of their completely missing backbones, to limit our speech, sensor our posts, publicly display, and ridicule, those trying to protect others, and/or monitor and sell my personal information and data, and track my every move..then lie about it.

- force Americans to listen to a single message, across the board. Particularly a message that's brought to you by losers like Shari Redstone.

Anyone else?

This is f*ckin' wild.


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