Kyle Rittenhouse trail - CNN Don Lemon says IF KyLe wAs BlAcK...RACE BAITING MORON

3 years ago

"I just wanna leave people with a picture here. Imagine if Kyle Rittenhouse [were] a 17- or 18-year-old black kid. With a gun," Lemon continued.
"How would people feel? How would the judge treat him? How would pundits think about this case? What about the people on the right who are making Kyle Rittenhouse out to be a choir boy, because he went across state lines, inserted himself into a situation he had nothing to do with?" Lemon asked.
"He was carrying a gun he wasn't supposed to be carrying, because he was too young. It was illegal for him to carry that gun. He wanted to do it because he was cool," Lemon postured in the CNN segment.
"If a black kid did that, killed two people and injured another person, how would America feel about that? [...] Just think about public opinion and public perception, and what would be allowed in our society. I think it would be a completely different feeling about the people who are on television talking about this, and analyzing the judge's antics and the legal situation."


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