Breaking: Hunter's Biz Partner Confirms Joe Biden Made Millions From China Deals

2 years ago

In another sensation report by the NY Post, one of Hunter Biden's colleagues and the one highlighted on messages in other NY Post articles CONFIRMS that these messages are authentic.

Joe Biden is affirmed to have made millions from the organizations in China for admittance to his organization.

The colleague is resigned Navy Lt. Tony Bobulinski.

Bobulinski said that he isn't political by any stretch of the imagination and that the "couple of mission commitments I have made in my life were to Democrats." He said that he should remain in his "unimportant" life yet faults "the media and enormous tech organizations" for not going about their business and constraining him to approach.

The resigned Lieutenant said that he left the military and turned into an "institutional financial backer contributing widely all throughout the planet and on

Each mainland." He said that after his consistent goes all throughout the planet, he accepts one thing is valid, "we live in the best country on the planet."

Bobulinski says he is the "Chief of Sinohawk Holdings, which is an association between the Chinese working through CEFC/Chairmen Ye and the Biden family." He says that James Gilliar and Hunter Biden brought him into Sinohawk.

Previous Vice President Joe Biden is affirmed to be "the Big Guy" or "my director" in correspondence sent by Hunter and that business. The resigned Lieutenant said that Hunter Biden "called his father 'the Big Guy' or 'my Chairman, and habitually referred to asking him for his close down or exhortation on different potential arrangements that we were talking about."

"The other 'JB' referred to in that email is Jim Biden, Joe's sibling," says resigned Lt. Bobulinski. He says that he saw the meetings

Where Joe Biden would guarantee he is clueless with regards to Hunter's agreements, yet that this is bogus.

Tony Bobulinski says that he has "seen Vice President Biden saying he never conversed with Hunter about his business." He proceeds, "I've seen firsthand that that is false in light of the fact that it wasn't only Hunter's business; they said they were risking the Biden family name and its heritage."

"The Chinese were not actually centered around a solid monetary ROI (profit from venture)," yet rather to exchange on the Vice President's "political impact."

He says that the Biden family guaranteed him not to utilize the organization to finance their ways of life and that no arrangements were to be made despite his good faith.

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