I Have An Offer For You! | Free 20-30 Minute Goal Setting & Implementation Session

3 years ago

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#coaching #freesession #habits

Do you have a healthy habit you have been meaning to implement but are having trouble getting started or are lacking the goal setting skills?

Maybe we can help each other!

As I mentioned in a previous video, I recently got certified through the Primal Health Coach Institute (links below if you are curious.) My next step is sitting for the Board Exams for the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches and that means I need a lot of practice.

I am offering a free 20-30 minute coaching session to implement whatever healthy lifestyle behavior you would like in the realm of:

Movement | Nutrition | Mindset | Sleep | Performance

How it works:
1. Go here - https://cultivated-change.com/newhabit
2. Fill out the form with some context and submit
3. Book a slot on my calendar!
4. I will be in touch a day or so before the appointment

For anyone that like my coaching style and wants to continue I will be offering a 15% discount on my full 8 week and 16 week coaching packages

Coaching Packages: https://cultivated-change.com/coaching


▶️Free 20-30 Minute Remote Goal Setting:


▶️Work with me:

▶️Schedule a Virtual Movement Session:

▶️Thinking About Helping Others Through Coaching?
Primal Health Coaching: https://bit.ly/3hk5gMO
Primal Curriculum Info: https://bit.ly/3x4qPr4
Primal BluePrint: https://bit.ly/35Yt0AA



-Primal Kitchen (Sauces, Oils, Proteins): https://bit.ly/309IvpP
-Primal Blueprint (Supplements, Guides): https://bit.ly/3ajTgrt
-Sustainably Sources Omega 3s: https://bit.ly/3aBhkX3
-Sunshine in a Bottle: https://bit.ly/3iFCrMb

▶️Primal Blue Print Keto Reset (No Coach)
Complete Guides and Kitchen Kit: https://bit.ly/3DqI4Wi

With Coach: https://cultivated-change.com/coaching ;)


Primal Health Coach
NASM-CPT #1190402161
ACE-CHC: https://bit.ly/3j8FzyY


▶️Support Videos Like This:
Become a Patron: https://bit.ly/3yChiZo
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OR https://paypal.me/CultivatedChange

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