How to Make Spanikopita

2 years ago

Spanikopita - that beautiful and delicious hors d'oeuvrs passed at weddings and formal parties. I love them, my whole family loves them, who doesn't love them? Crunchy and savory and salty, easy to make, easy to eat, they freeze well, great as a side or a meal. Just yum, it hits all the boxes for sure.

Phyllo dough always intimidated me but it's really not at all hard to work with. Be sure to cover the stack while you're working to keep it from drying out. You can use a thawed package for a week before opening, 3 days after opening.

These reheat really well too. I wrap leftovers in foil then in the refrigerator then reheat in a 400 degree oven and I think they're actuall better the second time around because the phyllo is all crispy and the filling has set.

I'm making a few batches today to freeze unbaked and to take to Thanksgiving at our daughters. Freeze them in a single layer then put them in freezer bags to store. From frozen, add an egg wash, sprinkle a little coarse salt on top and bake at 400 on a parchment covered tray until crispy and golden brown.

Thanks for watching!


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