Amazon seeks approval to launch 4,500 satellites for internet connections - Telco.

2 years ago

Amazon seeks approval to launch 4,500 satellites for internet connections - Telco. is seeking approval from US communications regulators to deploy more than 4,500 additional satellites as part of the company's effort to deliver broadband internet to areas around the world that lack high-speed service.
Amazon had previously said it planned to spend at least US$10 billion to build 3,236 such satellites through its Project Kuiper program.
Late on Thursday, it asked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for approval to deploy a total of 7,774 satellites for the project.
On Monday, Amazon asked the FCC for approval to launch and operate two prototype satellites by the end of 2022.
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Amazon said in its filing the satellites "will serve households, hospitals, businesses, government agencies, and other organisations around the world, including in geographic areas where reliable broadband remains lacking."

"Although connectivity has improved on a global basis, only 51 percent of the global population, and 44 percent of the population of developing countries, are online," the company filing said.

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