Take A Risk

2 years ago

Experience everything you can, when you can, by being present. Don’t let distraction steal from you. Life is short and the best way to live it is being present with those you are with. The first focus that is really good to have is, God, knowing He is always with you throughout your day is practicing His Presence, being alert to Him in the all of your everything. The sweetest way to live is uncompartmentalized, giving God total access to your life. Asking God to navigate you through your day. God Adventure is fantastic and when He leads you through your day, it will be an incredible day, full of new things, full of escapades you could not even begin to imagine or hope for, miraculously so. So, why not, why not take a risk today, open your heart wide to God, experience a new God consciousness and let Him lead you into a closer relationship, past acquaintance to friendship. What do you have to lose? Why not experience the newness and freshness of God, He is simply-significantly amazing. Got a minute? Stop where you are, clear the slate of your mind. That in itself feels great! Now, sit with God and reflect, think on the beauty, the majesty, the amazing awe of all things Him. How was that? When is the last time you took time to just experience new things with God? Listening up to Him, talking and walking through His Word with Him. Letting Him be in the all of Your everything each day. He is with us, all the time, and that is His greatest blessing to us, so we really should take full advantage of that. God makes things personal. With God, is not about religion, it is all about relationship. We were created to know Him, and to worship Him, heart to heart. I hope you had a great God Adventure in His peace today. God bless ya. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/deeply-know-god/

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