Killing Kids with the C19 Bioweapon

2 years ago

The C19 injection up until recently has been used to target the adult population. The bioweapon has been in development for over two decades to literally deceive the population by implementing a fear tactic perfected by Russian phycologists in early communisms doctrine. Today many adults have been coerced by the CDC, NIH, mainstream media, and other organizations by accepting money from pharmaceutical companies and corrupt officials in government positions in exchange to lie and deceive the public into thinking there is a health crisis. SARs survival rate in kids infected with the disease is near 100% (no different than other SARs diseases such as the common cold or influenza). By injecting the kids with the C19 bioweapon, it ensures mass murder to depopulate millions of kids that will likely not see adulthood before immune complexes cause diseases triggered by the injection kill each individual.

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