National Anthem of Romani People - Gelem, Gelem (Vocal)

3 years ago

The Romani, also known as Roma, are an Indo-Aryan people, traditionally nomadic itinerants living mostly in Europe, as well as in the Americas. The Romani are widely known in English by the exonym Gypsies (or Gipsies).

"Gelem, Gelem" is a song composed by Žarko Jovanović, often used as the anthem of the Romani people. The title has been adapted in many countries by local Roma to match their native orthography and spoken dialect of the Romani language. Some of the song's many titles include:
"Gyelem, Gyelem" (Hungarian)
"Dželem, Dželem" (Croatian and Latin Serbian and Bosnian)
"Đelem, Đelem" (Croatian and Latin Serbian and Bosnian)
"Djelem, Djelem" (German and French)
"Ђелем, Ђелем" (Cyrillic Serbian and Bosnian)
"Ѓелем, Ѓелем" (Macedonian orthography)
"Џелем, Џелем" (Cyrillic Serbian and Bosnian)
"Джелем, джелем" (Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian)
"Opré Roma"
"Romale Shavale"

(Romani Lyrics)
Gelem Gelem lungóne droménsa,
Maladilém shukare Romensa.
Gelem Gelem lungóne droménsa,
Maladilem baxtale romenca.

Oooh, Romalé!
Oooh, chavralé!

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