Episode #45: DEEP DIVE - Was the 2020 Election Stolen? Part I: Arizona

3 years ago


00:00 Intro
02:24 The 2020 Election Results as handed down
04:38 Our Methodology and Road Map for diving into this
05:10 General Circumstantial Evidence that Trump won Part 1
 - Did Voters feel better off than in 2016?
 - Which side had more enthusiasm?
 - Support in the Primaries
 - Overall Vote Totals compared with past Elections
 - Scholarly Models
21:17 Review of Key Points
22:23 General Circumstantial Evidence that Trump won Part II
 - Voter Registration Trends
- Geographic Inconsistencies 
- Census Bureau Data Discrepancy
 - Bellwether Counties
 - Bellwether States
 - Down-ballot Factor
 - Biden’s Overperforming in four major urban Centers compared with all others
43:53 Review of Key Points
50:12 Arizona
52:17 The 2020 Arizona Election Results as handed down
52:14 Circumstanstial Evidence of Fraud in Arizona Addressed
 - Mail-voting Procedures and Ballots rejected in 2020 vs 2018
- Maricopa County’s historic voting Pattern
 - Sharpiegate
 - Democrats lost a county-wide down-ballot race in Maricopa County.
 - Court-ordered bipartisan handwriting experts examined 100 absentee ballot signatures
01:04:18 Senate’s Fight to Audit the Results
 - Non-legislative hearing on Nov 30
 - Full legislative hearing on Dec 14
 - Subpoena of voting machines and ballots on Dec 15
 - Threats to imprison Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBoS)
 - MCBoS conducts its own audits
 - MCBoS asks court to dismiss senate’s subpoena
 - Judge rules against MCBoS
 - Senate hires Cyber Ninjas to conduct the audit.
01:08:10 The Curious Case of Elliot Kerwin
01:21:20 Problems Found with Maricopa County’s Election System and Process during Audit
 - Were databases deleted right before handing machines over to senate?
 - Multiple images of duplicate (cured) ballots where there should have only been two
 - Affidavit on sloppiness in comparing mail-in ballot signatures
01:25:21 Audit Results Released 
- How the auditors classified and categorized
01:26:28 The 49,718 Questionable Votes Categorized by Discrepancy and MCBoS’s Responses
01:30:08 Other Reports: Ben Cotton’s Cyfir and Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s EchoMail
01:33:53 MCBoS’s Response to Dr. Shiva’s Findings
01:36:14 Dr. Shiva’s Rebuttal
01:43:10 Audit Aftermath
01:48:04 Who won Arizona? Our Verdicts


Comprehensive summary of the historical anomalies in the 2020 election, courtesy of Chronicles Magazine: https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/biden-s-inexplicable-victory/?fbclid=IwAR38u8AQAlNTFq63WYnlF8ReKTTPT5AeyA7W27KnQkIA2Hp4GFpo2gE7qbQ

Gallup recorded 56% of voters saying they were better off after 4 years of Trump: https://news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/321650/gallup-election-2020-coverage.aspx

Democracy Institute poll showed a massive 34% gap in enthusiasm between Trump and Biden: https://democracyinstitute.org/poll-donald-trump-set-to-win-us-presidency-by-electoral-college-landslide/

Helmut Norpoth’s “Primary Model,” which correctly predicted all but two elections from 1912 to 2016, predicted Trump would win in 2020: https://news.stonybrook.edu/facultystaff/maverick-modeller-helmut-norpoth-predicts-another-win-for-trump/

Allan Lichtman’s “13 Keys to the White House” model actually DID predict Trump’s victory in 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mp_Uuz9k7Os

Richard Baris’s findings that Biden underperformed Hillary in every major metro area except for four in key swing states: https://nationalfile.com/suspicious-biden-underperformed-hillary-clinton-nationwide-except-in-four-cities/

Judicial Watch’s report that more than one-tenth of all counties in the United States had more registered voters than citizens eligible to vote: https://www.judicialwatch.org/new-jw-study-voter-registration/

Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions to gin up Democratic turnout across the country: https://righttakepodcast.com/2021/04/29/episode-18-how-the-right-can-stop-losing/

Our prior analysis of the Zuckerberg problem, in Episode #18: https://righttakepodcast.com/2021/04/29/episode-18-how-the-right-can-stop-losing/

Comprehensive proof of suspicious ballots all across the country: https://hereistheevidence.com/election-2020/stats/

Viral video from Election Night of a woman describing “Sharpiegate” in Arizona: https://www.facebook.com/marko.trickovic.3/videos/4130512783632387/

Video posted by Maricopa County officials endorsing the use of sharpies on ballots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNhCcimt6No&t=2s

Maricopa officials claimed the county started using Sharpie-friendly equipment the year before: https://www.newsweek.com/voter-fraud-claims-what-we-know-about-counts-arizona-michigan-wisconsin-1545219

Internal emails show county workers wanted to hand out ballpoint pens only prior to Election Day, saying sharpies were “needed” for Election Day: https://twitter.com/HowleyReporter/status/1329211993237155840

Trump campaign and RNC filed a lawsuit against discounted votes due to sharpies: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/trump-campaign-rnc-file-lawsuit-in-maricopa-county-for-incorrectly-rejected-votes

Arizona’s Attorney General Mark Brnovich insisted there was no voter fraud: https://www.axios.com/arizona-republican-ag-rejects-voter-fraud-claims-80b4b5a4-18a9-433a-9e64-c75b4d9a8ddd.html

Over 50,000 ballots flagged as “suspicious” in Maricopa County audit: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/arizona-audit-flags-thousands-suspect-ballots-kicking-issue-states

Maricopa County defied the State Senate’s audit: https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-arizona-phoenix-elections-subpoenas-932ede1f65fdc69d909f61ac8dea5dcf

The curious case of Elliot Kerwin: https://newsletterest.com/message/42865/FBI-Investigates-Arizona-Voter-Data-Theft-Epic-Google-iPhone-Hack-Patriot-Act-Website-Surveillance

Forbes report on FBI investigation into a possible Maricopa County hack: https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2020/12/04/exclusive-the-fbi-is-investigating-voter-data-theft-in-this-key-2020-election-battleground/?sh=78cb278234a4

Kerwin had his laptops and USB seized by the FBI: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://twunroll.com/article/1335911795882680321&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1636599928040000&usg=AOvVaw3dj6JRAY8OS5YYgg5kTZ-G

Kelli Ward’s video from May 2021 about the Maricopa investigation: https://twitter.com/AZGOP/status/1392639353315233793

Arizona Free News article on Maricopa cyberattack: https://azfreenews.com/2021/07/maricopa-county-officials-remain-mum-about-cyberattack-on-voter-data-files-8-months-ago/

Steve Chucri, member of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, resigned after bashing audit: https://www.azmirror.com/2021/09/21/chucri-bashed-gop-colleagues-over-lack-of-audit-support-claimed-dead-people-voted/

Maricopa County continued to insist audit claims were false: https://www.azmirror.com/2021/10/07/maricopa-county-audit-response-slams-claims-as-false-and-misleading/

There were 37,000 anonymous queries to access 2020 election in Arizona: https://nationalfile.com/breaking-37000-anonymous-queries-to-access-2020-election-in-arizona-do-not-follow-that-pattern-of-normal-windows-behavior/

Some ballots in Arizona had no serial numbers: https://nationalfile.com/bombshell-cyber-ninjas-shows-evidence-of-arizona-ballots-containing-no-serial-numbers/

Over 11,000 votes were cast by voters who weren’t registered before November 7th: https://nationalfile.com/arizona-audit-shows-un-registered-voters-and-evidence-free-paper-ballots-were-both-way-more-than-bidens-lead/

NeverTrump State Senator Paul Boyer denied the Senate the vote needed to hold Maricopa County supervisors in contempt: https://nationalfile.com/breaking-trump-slams-nevertrump-arizona-senator-for-blocking-audit-contempt-charges-for-maricopa-county-supervisors/

State Senate subpoenaed Maricopa County for evidence: https://nationalfile.com/breaking-arizona-senate-serves-maricopa-county-with-subpoena-for-routers-ballot-envelopes-voter-databases/

Maricopa officials refused to hand over key evidence until the day before the State Senate hearing: https://nationalfile.com/arizona-audit-firm-says-maricopa-didnt-give-them-key-information-until-day-before-hearing/

Shiva Ayyadurai’s response to Maricopa County’s denial of voter fraud: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21079430-dr-shiva-replies-to-maricopa-county-official

Audit found thousands of ballots discrepancies: https://nationalfile.com/arizona-maricopa-audit-reveals-thousands-of-discrepancies-with-ballot-forms-serious-integrity-issues/

Attorney General Brnovich orders Maricopa County to preserve election data and equipment: https://nationalfile.com/arizona-brnovich-issues-spoliation-letter-to-maricopa-county-orders-preservation-of-election-data-and-equipment/

Blake Masters’ comprehensive Twitter thread on how the 2020 election was stolen: https://twitter.com/bgmasters/status/1441183564310073351

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