Kyle Warner’s tearful plea to people attacking him over being injured by vaccine.

2 years ago

Professional mountain biker Kyle Warner: "Sorry for all the emotion but i think I finally broke today and I wanted to share this message and then take time off for a while.

It feels so weird being one of the misfit toys…

Just because this is an uncomfortable conversation doesn’t mean we should ignore it. I’ve had over a thousand people reach out to me that are fighting the same battle right now. People that were all pro vax enough to take the shots and people that are now considered conspiracy theorists or nut jobs due to their reactions.

I’ve never tried to say anything but my own personal experience and story in hopes of informing others that this is real, and helping people in the same situation understand a few things they could troubleshoot with their doctors to try and get some treatments. I’ve had over 20 doctor and hospital visits since July and if I could share my experience with people and save them some time, it felt worth the risk of being attacked.
“I don’t know how people are supposed to deal with it. I feel like I just broke today, the sad thing is that like I’m getting attacked from both sides so hard. I’m just trying to do the right thing and trying to tell people what is going on and you can’t say anything right now with what is going on. It is so hard to get through this whole thing. I’m probably going to be ok physically but it is hard to keep up against the constant attacs. My life is in constant attack, I’ve lost friends and I’ve lost family members, and I’ve got injured and sucks and it rares and it sucks to be you. I don’t know how the toxicity of people have become worse than the diesese. We’ve done such a bad job of remaining human, but to be injured by this thing that is so toxic society and you can’t even talk about it. I’ve had therapists that have come and called me crazy. I’m sorry I can’t continue to speak out against this thing. This is sad what they do to people who try to speak. He says that he is contiplating SUICIDED. What the hell is wrong with us? How can we treat someone who is clearly suffering this way! He is merely asking for compensation and he is pointing out that there is no one to talk to and no one is listening. Kyle is so scared of losing his livelihood and losing his job that he decided to back down.

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