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Joebama’s Police State

3 years ago

[00:30] Skyrocketing Inflation (18 minutes)

More bad economic news for America as inflation reaches a 30-year high. Incredibly, left-wing radicals in the media and in Washington, D.C., say out-of-control inflation is a good thing.

[18:50] The American Police State (15 minutes)

In places like San Francisco and New York City, criminals are being given free rein because of left-wing prosecutors who proudly announce they will not prosecute “petty” crimes.

[33:35] Bible Study: ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ (21 minutes)

During His ministry, Jesus Christ preached the gospel of the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 6, Jesus admonished us to seek first the Kingdom of God. In the prayer outline recorded in Matthew 6, one of the first subjects we are told to pray about is “Thy Kingdom come!” God wants us to set our minds on the soon-coming Kingdom of God!


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