Discovery of the origins of ‘empty sky’ gamma-rays

2 years ago

The Astronomy, Technology, and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 24 Episode 127
*Discovery of the origins of ‘empty sky’ gamma-rays
A new study has confirmed that star-forming galaxies are responsible for generating the majority of empty sky gamma-rays -- the origins of which have been a mystery for half a century.
*Understanding the depths of Jupiter’s great red spot
New data from NASA’s Juno spacecraft shows that Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot extends down some 500 kilometres -- far deeper into the gas giant than previously thought.
*The biggest solar flare of the Sun’s new cycle
The Sun has launched its second X class solar flare of the new solar cycle – leaving no doubt to solar cycle 25 is underway.
*The Science Report
New study shows the value of getting a third booster shot of COVID-19 Vaccine.
Confirmation that Vikings crossed the Atlantic Ocean a millennia ago.
Australia has the world’s second highest rate of methamphetamine use.
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