Dr. Byram Bridle: "The More Vaccinated The Country, The More Problems They Are Having..."

2 years ago

Dr. Byram Bridle: "The More Vaccinated The Country, The More Problems They Are Having..."


"The more vaccinated the country, the more problems they are having with COVID-19."

"It is absolutely, 100 percent impossible to achieve the goal of herd immunity with these vaccines."

"What I have seen way too much of and it does cause me very serious concern is that we are seeing people who had cancers that were in remission or that were being well controlled and their cancers have gone completely out of control after getting the vaccine. We do know that the vaccine causes at least a temporary drop in T-Cell numbers. T-Cells are part of our immune system and they are the critical weapons that our immune system has to fight off cancer cells . . . I would say that [this is] my newest major safety concern and it is also the one that is going to be by far the most underreported in the adverse event database. And that's because if a person had a cancer before the vaccine there is no way public health officials will ever link it to the vaccine. But what we are seeing is oncology teams that had pushed the cancers into remission and keeping them well controlled can no longer control them after the vaccine."

"Our system [in Canada] is never going to work. First of all, we're not informing people when they get the vaccine that they are supposed to report any unusual medical condition up to eight weeks after receiving a dose of the vaccine. And the attending physician is required, by law, to report anything unusual, but most physicians are not. Many don't because they don't want to contradict the current narrative and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario have turned out to be incredibly tyrannical and are crushing many physicians -- and threatening many -- who don't go with this narrow public health narrative. Many also can't get their submissions done because they are onerous. For example, in British Columbia, it can take up to 40 minutes to submit one of these reports . . . And once a physician does submit a report, it doesn't go into our database. It goes to a local medical officer of health . . . and we are seeing unusually high percentages of these reports . . . being rejected at the level of the local medical officer of health . . . Because of all the filtering that is going on, we are not getting accurate numbers."

"More than half the people that have died in this pandemic would be alive today if we had accepted these early treatment strategies [using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, for example]. That's the reality. I've seen it with every physician who has administered this. They talk about our ICUs being overrun but every physician that I have worked with -- and I have worked with many -- who have used these effective treatment strategies, they've kept their patients out of the ISU. They don't go to the ISU. They don't die."

"I usually don't ever, ever criticize anybody's expertise in a particular area of work, but we are in unique times. So I think the public needs to be aware . . . The average family physician knows almost nothing about immunology and certainly [almost nothing] about vaccines. Vaccinology is a sub discipline of immunology . . . They are not immunologists. They are not vaccinologists. They are ignoring the vaccinologists."

"People who keep arguing that those of us who have legitimate concerns are wrong, we are providing misinformation, we are lying, we don't know what we are talking about need to ask themselves why then are many of us standing there in the arena, like the gladiators of old, waiting, and none of their champions will step forward . . . I've issued invitations to every single person who attacks me; I invite them to come on and talk publicly . . . I've asked thousands of people and not one person, not even one, in all these months has been willing to talk openly, publicly about the science of medicine underlying COVID-19. It is exceptionally frustrating!"

"The problem of COVID, the number of cases, has been dramatically over-estimated, but to an unknown degree, because of the way we have misused the PCR tests. And we know that the problems associated with the vaccines have been grossly underestimated, also to an unknown degree. Until we have accurate numbers for these -- and I can't see [how] we are going to have anytime soon unless we completely change the way we are monitoring these things -- we're not going to be able to come up with accurate assessments as scientists."

"A bad flu season would be about .1 percent . . . We are actually dealing with a problem that is less fatal than the annual flu, especially when we are talking about children."


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MP Sloan, Dr. Bridle, Dr. Phillips: Censorship Of Canadian Doctors & Scientists

COVID-19 and Children: A Scientist’s Guide for Parents (pdf)

"We Made A Mistake!" (Dr. Byram Bridle)

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