Is your soul larger than your Spirit? / WWY Q&A 17

2 years ago

Everybody is aware of our body - and many people consider the soul - but most people don’t know about or even care about that human spirit part of you - which could be argued is the most important part of you.

Our soul is the more earthly immaterial part of us that is more concerned with things like earthly information like directions, Google, computers, FB, recipes, what do you want to wear today.

Our spirit is the immaterial part of us that is more heavenly focused. Our spirit was created in heaven before the world was created (Jer 1:5, Eph 1:4). Once our human spirit came to earth our soul was then born and joined to our human spirit. Our human spirit doesn’t get renewed until we accept Yeshua as our Savior.

This is a HUGE topic so there’s much I don’t have the bandwidth for in this forum. For now just be aware that there is another part of you that lives in the spirit realm.

Want to know more? Then click on the video to watch. ;-)

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