Baby papy and Hen friendship videos |funny videos 2021

2 years ago

Rumble| baby dog and Hen funny videos
There is nothing that dog lovers are more fascinated by than the sight of a newborn baby puppy. I readily admit that when there’s a marathon of Too Cute on Animal Planet, I sit transfixed in front of the television until my eyeballs pop out. Audible shrieks of delight and wonder echo through the house as litters of puppies flash before me, rapidly developing over the course of an episode from tiny, defenseless whelps to fully functioning puppies.

The only real difficulty with shows like these is that the half-hour format casually elides much of their early-life development. For instance, most of us know that a puppy is born blind. Did you also know that, although dogs have an extraordinary sense of hearing when they are grown, they are born functionally deaf? The steps by which a baby puppy begins engaging with its world are equally extraordinary. Speaking of steps, let’s examine the early stages of puppy development, from the whelping box until a puppy starts walking!

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