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Soul Crushing Loss

3 years ago

We are dealt from the hand of God many good things in this life and have a lot to be grateful for. Friendship is God ordained and divinely set up. God is the perfect one to put people together, He knows us best. Our spouses are a good example of that. God knows what He is doing and when we follow after God, we find ourselves in very deep, fulfilling relationships. Heart To Heart. Have you ever experienced the loss of a spouse, family member, loved one or friend? I have. The deeper the love runs, the more painful the loss is. Love hurts, but in the long run, it is so worth investing ourselves in. Whenever I have dealt with loss, at first it hurts so badly, I have to tell myself to just breathe, but then I start to think gratefully about all the years I did have the person I lost, in my life, and that cuts the rawness out of my grief. When your heart is broken in this way, separated, left on this side of heaven, when your loved one has gone home, people will tell you that you will get over it in time. I don’t believe that. A strong love life is where you give your friend a piece of your heart, your fully invested in them, and you will never get that back when they die. Loss of a precious, highly valued heart friendship, is soul crushing. You don’t just get over it. Death of a loved one, it will hurt and it will feel like a piece of you is always missing, a piece you can’t get back. Grief is not hopeless, because Jesus, our Healer walks beside us every single day. We face each day with Him. We grow on only because of God, because of His strong undergirding, His mighty right hand of comfort, and incredible inner core strength, He provides. God is the “bearable” in our grief, so we are not totally overwhelmed by it. God understands how we are feeling, more than anyone else. Jesus, so preciously weeps with us; He sits with us in our grief and sadness and never leaves our side. Our Father God is the one that empowers us with courage, which helps us to move forward, step by step, without the one we have loved so well. It is in the strength of the Holy Spirit, that we have the help and guidance we need to pioneer the new life season we were suddenly thrust into. Hope in Christ, grows us through grief, day by day. Our God, He is the Way-Maker God as we cling to Him, dig our life roots deeply in Him, on this day. When grief presses in my soul, I am grateful that our God won’t leave me, forsake me, or let me down. God is with us in our losses. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/i-dont-understand/


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