Best Way To Set Up Business Email (Set Yourself Up RIGHT!) @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

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Show Notes:

- For your website's email, Google G Suite ( and Office 365 ( are top choices.

- If you'd rather go the encrypted email route, then ProtonMail ( and Tutanota ( are solid options.

- Online business guide (free download!): 7 Steps To Profits!

- Domain registration:

- Solid web hosting (with discount!):

- Business-grade email:

- Best email marketing service:

- Best website builder:

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best way to set up business email

If you've seen some of my other posts, then you know that for online business owners, I'm a big proponent of separating your key website components -- namely, your website's domain name, your hosting, and your online business's primary form of

And as far as email's concerned, while many web hosts come with free email for your website, and while they grant you the flexibility to set up as many email addresses as you want, all of this takes up something that's very precious to your website and online business: Storage space.

All the email you’ll be sending and receiving, and any attachments that are included, all your archived’s all eating into the same space that your website occupies...because your website and your email are both stored the same space in your web hosting account.

If you’re storing and using a lot of email (and who isn’t?), then you may find yourself quickly running out of space for your website. Not so good. On the other hand, a dedicated email service from a specialized vendor is totally separate from your website.

With this setup, your email comes with it’s own, separate storage space. Because this storage space is located on a different server that’s owned by an entirely different company, it’ll never impact your website’s storage space.

Typically, dedicated email service will come standard with 30-50gb of storage (that’s a lot), and you can always purchase more space if you need it.

If you'd like some recommendations for specialized email vendors that you can investigate further, check the Show Notes below.


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