Lock-Up FEMA Camps Are Next

2 years ago

COVID Was A Trojan Horse For 'Satanic' Vaccine Mandate Similar To Account In Book Of Revelation
HNewsWire: The White House, Biden Trump, the Elitist club, CDC, a large number of Democratic legislators, and employees of Pfizer are exempt from the mandate.

If you're a child of God, if you're a Christian, you should not be afraid to die, first of all, So the reason why they can cage us is we're all so scared. So I said, you know, die saved and die human. And don't allow yourself to be genetically modified. These things (Kill Shot) are no vaccine, they are gene therapy.

I think they're evil. I don't think they're even human. Because you cannot be a human and be that evil, When we talk about evil, Fauci's an epitome of evil. If you know what Fauci did in the days of AIDS. The things that Fauci does, Fauci is the epitome of evil. And you know what, the good news about it is, at the end of the day, all of us are going to have a creator, that judges.
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There is no reason for you to be giving a vaccine for a disease that's completely treatable, and completely preventable, the death rate of COVID is not that high. So, we need to wake up and realize that these mandates, the vaccines, and everything is taking us right into the book of Revelations where you cannot buy or sell without taking the VAX. Tribulation...

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