My Boyfriend Is My 'Owner' | LOVE DON’T JUDGE

3 years ago

BEING owned by someone else has helped one online model and streamer who says it makes them feel “protected”. Los Angeles-based Lana, who uses they/them pronouns, has been in a relationship with fellow model and performer Shane, 27, for just over a year. The couple’s relationship includes an owner/owned dynamic that means Lana must check everything with Shane – from what they eat to when they exercise. 25-year-old Lana told Truly: “Everything I do, I have to ask permission to do it. Or if it’s something Shane wants me to do, I have to confirm that I did those things. Sometimes it can be very awkward because first reactions are ‘Oh, so your boyfriend is misogynistic, controlling, and abusive'. But I was the one who said I want to live this lifestyle. I was the one that was like ‘I really want to do this,’ and this means a lot to me.” Shane added: “It takes so much trust to be in a relationship like this. On paper it seems like, ‘How can someone control this aspect of your life?’ But there’s so much communication and personal trust that you have to have with that person.” Lana’s daily routine includes calling Shane to check their clothes are appropriate for the day, sending pictures of their meals to check they are ok, and asking permission to see friends. The young model is also into pup play, whereby they adopt the persona of a dog and are treated as a pet by Shane. This includes Shane feeding Lana out of bowls, playing fetch, and even having a Kennel.
You can find Lana at
And Shane at

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