Dogo Argentino VS Cane Corso | Cane Corso VS Dogo Argentino | Dogo Argentino attack | Aspin

3 years ago

Dogo Argentino VS Cane Corso | Cane Corso VS Dogo Argentino | Dogo Argentino attack | Aspin
Who will win in a fight between Dogo Argentino VS Cane Corso? in a real fight Cane Corso might be the winner because it is more powerful than the Dogo Argentino,.. and also Cane Corso has stronger bite force than the Dogo Argentino, i’m not saying that Dogo Argentino would be that easily be defeated by Cane Corso! because Dogo Argentino is also a beast when it comes in a fight! Dogo Argentino is a large breed of dog, it also has a very strong bite force, and an intelligent dog that’s why these two breeds of dogs are usually banned in some country because of its very strong and powerful characteristics… so for me, either of them may win a fight against each other… what do you think? comment down below if you have anything against my theory. In this video you will see a comparison between the Dogo Argentino VS Cane Corso in terms of Muscularity, who has the stronger Bite Force, who is the more Aggressive, who is the more energetic, who can tolerate cold weather, who can tolerate hot weather, who is the more dog friendly, who is the easiest to groom, the easiest to train, and who is the more intelligent..

Dogo Argentino VS Cane Corso Who would win in a Fight?

The Dogo Argentino is a large, white, muscular dog that was developed in Argentina primarily for the purpose of big-game hunting, including wild boar; the breeder, Antonio Nores Martínez, also wanted a dog that would exhibit steadfast bravery and willingly protect its human companion. It was first bred in 1928, from the Cordoba Fighting Dog along with a wide array of other breeds including the Great Dane.
The Dogo Argentino is a large white short-coated dog with muscular and strong body that rarely has any markings (any type of marking or spot on the coat is considered a flaw). While it is not accepted in many of the clubs, a Dogo Argentino can have a black spot on its head known as 'pirata' and it is accepted by the Federación Cinológica Argentina

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