Death by Marketing by J. R. Kruze

3 years ago

I was facing sure death - my own.
Not like my former partner faked hers - this was an actual slow grind that was really wearing me down. Inevitable unless I changed something. Because that's what my doctor said.
Like getting your arteries clogged - slow and ultimately painful death. You just don't know it until you wind up with a heart that won't run and keep your body running. Death - slow, but sure.
Then I spotted that ad. And my heart skipped a beat. In a good way.
This guy really knew how to write. And he wants a committed female marketer. Single. Eye roll - for sure.
If that ad wasn't so curious, I'd swear he just wants some hack writer bimbo to bed, who'd last only as long as he kept throwing money at her. But still - it wouldn't hurt to find out where he learned to write like that.
Only I still needed to last at least that long. Just to meet this guy.
One last adventure...

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