The Criticality of Election Integrity - General Flynn

2 years ago

General Flynn:

Well, the most important thing that we have that makes us all equal in the eyes of God and in the eyes of each other is our right to vote, the privilege of voting. And it doesn't matter if you're a person of great wealth and great means, or you're a person of little wealth and little means. You are equal when you enter the voting booth, so to speak, to vote. So, we are all equal when it's time to vote. Doesn't make any difference whether you're rich or whether you're poor. When you go to vote, when you exercise the right and the privilege of voting, then we are all equal.

And we're definitely equal in the eyes of our creator as it states in the Constitution of the United States of America. So, the idea of election integrity is about making sure that our election system and processes are free, are fair, they're transparent and they're without corruption, and they are absolutely above reproach. Meaning it is such a sacrosanct part of who we are as an American, our ability to vote, because we are a nation based on individual liberties and it is we the people that decide how our system of government is going to be run.

It's not the other way around where, where we're run by what's called an oligarchy, meaning we're run by the few of the many. It's actually, we are a nation of individual Patriots where this country, the United States of America, is run by the many, by a few. And we place those few in positions of authority by a free and fair and transparent vote.

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