Free Market Capitalism & the American Dream - General Flynn

2 years ago

General Flynn:

The idea of free market capitalism is the ability for any individual to take their God-given talents, and to take their own initiative and their own discipline and their own hard work ethic, and go out and work hard and build something on top of something else. Go and build a new idea, go and build a new business, go and create something, and create your own wealth. That's the beauty of a free-market capitalist system. And that's why from America's Future's perspective, we are so inclined to support small businesses and to promote the idea of the small business economy in this country. Because free market capitalism is really the engine.

If you look at engines of America, one of the primary, or the primary engine of America economically, is clearly small businesses. It's not the big corporate world. Although, we feel like they're imposing on us too often these days, the engine still is small businesses, because we still are allowed to exercise freely our own right to think, our own ability to think, our own talents, and to be able to bring those talents to bear in the economic system of a town, a city or our country.

And most of previous generations that started and grew, grew great wealth. They started with nothing, and they accept the talents that they were given by God, and they worked hard and they created great opportunities for many.

The one thing about small businesses, as well, particularly being an engine, one of the reasons why they're an engine is because they employ people. Whether they employ five people or 50 people, or in some cases, 500 people, those small community businesses are out there keeping the lifeblood and the livelihood of the fabric of America strong and together. And I think that's why we have to continue to promote small businesses in this country.

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