Neil Oliver: Establishment Dr Bharat Pankhania reacts with anger at scientific fact

3 years ago

Neil Oliver- 'Unvaccinated children will receive pariah status.'
Neil Oliver gives the opportunity to Dr Bharat Pankhania to make some sense but this doctor "can't see the woods for the trees" revealing himself to be at stage 2 of the Kubler Ross model stages of acceptance, it's so obvious he prefers to side with the narrative of medical coercion or plain ignorance, either of which very dangerous sides to be making decisions upon with disastrous consequences.

The Kubler Ross model 5 stages of acceptance:
1. Denial - clinging to a false sense of reality.
2. Anger - the need to blame someone else.
3. Bargaining - hoping to avoid a cause of grief.
4. Depression - what's the point.
5. Acceptance - accepting reality.

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