Advantages Of Online Business - Is Traditional Business DEAD? @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

From zero to profitable online business in just 7 simple steps! Download your FREE Online Business Jumpstart guide:

"Escape the grind, build a fulfilling online business, and launch a better tomorrow!"


Show Notes:

- Online business guide (free download!): 7 Steps To Profits!

- Domain registration:

- Solid web hosting (with discount!):

- Business-grade email:

- Best email marketing service:

- Best website builder:

- Top web and marketing tools and services:

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advantages of online business

Online shopping and using online business services like Uber or Skip The Dishes has of course been gaining momentum for years and years. But after 2020, online has totally exploded, right? It's like, in 2020 we crested the top of the big roller coaster hill, right?

Now, with all the rapid changes we've seen, there's no going back is there? And you know firsthand yourself why shopping online is so much better -- convenience, price comparing, speed, and so on.

In fact just recently I found myself in Canada's largest book retailer, Indigo with about an hour to kill. First off, I had to make myself look busy because, during the 2020 lockdowns they don't want people browsing, right? So I had to make myself look like an eager shopper!

And you know, any book I found that looked interesting, I knew I could find cheaper online. One art book I found, for instance, was priced at $60...but I was able to find the same book on my phone, right in the middle of this physical retailer, for $20.

So as far as I can tell, the only benefit to traditional brick and mortar businesses is 1) The shopping experience...which doesn't really exist post-2020 does it? 2) Being able to physically handle products you'd like to buy, and 3) Taking your purchase home with you that same day.

So why is any of this important to us small business owners? It's VERY important. The trend is clear: Online is bigger than ever and will only grow bigger and bigger. Here's something to ponder: Did you know that only about HALF the world's population is online?

There's still another 4.5-odd billion people who'll be coming online in the coming decade. That's insane...and we've only just begun seeing how the internet is reshaping how we do business, how we shop, how our kids learn, and much, much more.

So for us business-minded types, online is definitely the way to go. And the great news is, actually building a website for your business is not nearly as complex or difficult as you might think.

There are some incredibly powerful, customizable, and easy to use tools and platforms that just about anyone can use to build their online business website. And these tools allow you to build just about any kind of online business you might have in mind...

...Maybe it's an e-commerce business you're thinking of. Or maybe you'd like to run a membership website of some sort. Or maybe you just need a simple site that will allow you to accept bookings for your customers. Whatever it is you're thinking of, these modern tools can handle it!


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