"Hot Lots" Responsible for 100% of Deaths, and 200x More Adverse Events

3 years ago

A bombshell review of thousands of va-&&-ne "lots" (of several thousand doses each) reveals that ALL of the death, and 200x more injury, are linked to just 5 percent of the lots. This episode discusses that data and what it means for the people of the world.

Get it here: takeactionforfreedom.com/ivm

Get Cheap & Effective Meds They're Driving Off the Market, NOW, Don't Wait Till You're Sick and They're Unavailable! Here's HOW!

We will immediately send you 3 pharmacy/prescribing sources. And 2 government documents that prove they approved Ivermectin for use with Covid.

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Statements in this video have not been approved by the FDA and they are not meant to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease.

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