Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is a Marxist * 11/09/2021

2 years ago

(Nov 9, 2021) She says critical race theory would teach us the truth, then we could learn to love America. Listen to highlights from 3 recent White House press briefings she held while Biden's press secretary Jen Psaki was out with covid. Jean-Pierre was born Martinique to Haitian parents, was a spokesperson for and is a graduate of Columbia University. Almost everyone in the Biden regime is cut from the same cloth, no original ideas, always repeating the same mantra, totally indoctrinated, and thinking it OK to lie about everything because they believe their cause is righteous, and everyone else be damned.
#ClowardandPiven #Marxism #CritialRaceTheory #KarineJeanPierre #Biden

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