Stay Alert at this Hour!

2 years ago

Stay Alert at this Hour!

Getting ready for bed and wanted to find out if The Lord is waiting on Me to seek Him.

Me : My Jesus, Lord are you here? Like waiting for me?
Jesus ; always waiting and in fact forever waiting on you and all my children.

Me : I'm sorry Lord. I only got the hint with rhema you gave me to drink from my own cistern.
Jesus : No matter you're here now and that means a lot to me.
Me: what's your heart right now Jesus? (Then I got a distraction on my with an email. And He said;
Jesus : you gonna give in to that?

Me : No Lord even though I'm curious

Jesus : why not?

Me : Lord you know why? You know you're not an easy catch and the struggles it take to apply a childlike trust  and faith
Jesus ; You're learning my love and it'll please Me most if you apply yourself more and immediately when you sense the knowing of my call or could feel it.
Me : ok. Did you say 11/2 of mercy Lord?
Jesus : No I'm not saying that but it possible
Me: Jesus I'm so scared
Jesus : Don't be .... that's why you need this intimacy so I can assure you and strength you with My pure love My poor frail one. Stand up and fight!
Me: Lord are you here
Jesus : oh you awake now (cos I was dozen earlier)
Me : Yes Jesus
Jesus : You're not doing well my love, you're not pressing in enough. Do all that you can on a serious not in intercession and repentance and leave the rest to God. What you do now at this hour is extremely fruitful and would and could be much results. But you're all laaxing at this gruesome hour. Many has freezes to death in fear of what's coming, some are still on the fence. It should be an awakening hour of intercession. Look at people's attitude to intercession. Night is drawing night and darkness is rising on a rapid scale. Remember your prayers are never fruitless or waste of time or even to late. It'll always yield fruit somewhere along your path in life and pass down even to the next generation. Prayer is always the key to the past, present and future, a powerful tool that I wish My people will use to their benefit and that of others.
You pray for more grace, more grace is given, more time and more time is added by increments, more mercy and it is granted daily and new every morning. The question is what you do with it? And to prove that you're bearing fruit with what is given you, more won't be added. It's a waste since it cost me everything not just then BUT even now.

My love, are you saying I should continue to suffer for the sake of it? That My bride should continue to suffer for the sake of it or that My Father and all the saints should continue to suffer so My people on earth can continue their Worldliness and continue to mock and desert Me in desolation? No, so make use of what you have with the time, grace and mercy and when harvest is made, maybe it might be considered. Do not waste anymore time and stay alert always. Have faith no fear, I am with you

Me : Thank you Lord....without you I can do nothing. Help us Lord !!

Loving God
Salvation : contending for a soul/souls
Sin, freedom from an awareness that I have sin

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