County Before Country Event

3 years ago

For all the details go to -

The event has limited seating, and will be general admission with donations accepted. Please, children 11 years-old and up only.

Mark your calendars for this pivotal event on November 30th, 2021, where 6 speakers will present 6 incredibly relevant topics with speed and vigilance. These are issues that are heavily pressing in our culture. Many Christians are looking for leadership and guidance in these times - this event is the solution. You will be able to network with Christians of like mind on how to influence change in your area. This is an event you do not want to miss.

If you cannot make it, the event will be recorded, with high quality content coming from each of the speakers being summarized in short and palatable videos. You will be invigorated and encouraged by the content put forth in these talks.

As the Lord wills, we will meet soon!

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