The David Knight Show 9Nov21 - Unabridged

3 years ago


4:58 RFK Jr. says sources have told him Gavin Newsom is suffering a Guillan-Barre reaction to the booster. Here’s why it’s looking more and more likely he’s had a severe adverse reaction. And, otters, giraffes and gorilla stories, oh my, about covid & jabs

14:11 Just how far have we descended into a Stalinist totalitarianism in academia and science? One brave academic speaks out about the loss of science

27:38 Christian professor speaks out after he was denied treatment. The medical community has lost all integrity

35:06 FDA/BigPharma Shill Concerned Mandates Will Backfire. Gottlieb, Trump’s first FDA Commissioner and now at Pfizer, is concerned that jab mandates will make people question other vaccines, other mandates and demand exemptions from buying his product

44:00 mRNA as Food Preservative & Pesticide. It’s patentable, profitable, and can be brought to market at Warp Speed. mRNA programmed to kills bugs & bacteria sprayed on our food. What could possibly go wrong?

52:56 Explosion of myocarditis cases can no longer be ignored by mainstream as Wall Street Journal speculates it might not be the vaccine but the way it’s injected. Here’s a long list of young athletes, many of them professionals, who are dying of heart attacks

1:11:50 Biden ignores court order and tells businesses to obey him, not courts as lawsuits come from everywhere. He IS required to obey the Constitution, but not to obey courts. There are other, constitutional remedies.

1:18:04 Los Angeles protests, against the most stringent vaccine passports in USA, kick off nationwide week of protests and walk-outs. LA Sheriff goes over the massive number of people leaving the department

1:40:14 Massive protests in Melbourne and in Italian cities as the Italian government retracts previous “covid death” tallies, decreasing the death stats by 97%. But 10% of the population, unvaxed, is not allowed to have a job.

1:44:42 Listener’s letter

1:51:13 Baptists & Methodists Cheer Mark of the Beast But Oppose Mandate. They understand the dangerous precedent against religious liberty inherent in the rejection of exemptions but is that more important to them than the Christian issues?

2:02:38 INTERVIEW: Crypto Strategy for Hedging Fed & Inflation. Don’t do it b/c of fear of missing out, but Goattree talks about another way of fighting the system from the outside: crypto — the 4th stage of the information society

2:46:06 New IRS reporting requirement for crypto & NFT (in Infrastructure Bill) is impossible to obey in most situations. Top tax rates are now 51% to 67% depending on the state

2:56:49 Chinese covid insanity in schools — and Disneyland

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