Aren't they beautiful?

3 years ago

The jaguar (Brazilian Portuguese) or jaguar (European Portuguese) (scientific name: Panthera onca), also known as the black jaguar (in the case of melanin individuals), is a species of carnivorous mammal of the felid family (Felidae) found in the Americas. It is the third largest cat in the world, after the tiger and the lion, and the largest on the American continent. Despite its resemblance to the leopard (Panthera pardus), the jaguar is evolutionarily closer to the lion (Panthera leo). It occurs from the southern United States to northern Argentina, but is now extinct in several parts of that region. In the United States, for example, it has been extinct since the beginning of the 20th century, but possibly still occurs in Arizona. It is found primarily in tropical forest environments, and generally does not occur above 1200 m in altitude. The jaguar is strongly associated with the presence of water and is notable as a feline that likes to swim.

It is a large cat, weighing from 56 to 92 kilos, reaching 158 kilos, and length ranging from 1.12 to 1.85 m without the tail, which is relatively short. Physically similar to the leopard, it is distinguished by the pattern of patches on the skin and its larger size. There are totally black individuals.

Jaguars have exceptionally strong jaws, displaying the most powerful bites of any large cat.[3] This allows it to pierce the hard shell of reptiles such as the turtle and utilize an unusual killing method: it bites directly through the prey's skull between the ears, a fatal bite to the brain.[3]

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