11-9-21 Was the Ashley Biden Diary Bait to Kill Project Veritas? + More

2 years ago

Was the Ashley Biden Diary Bait to Kill Project Veritas?
A piece of news regarding the alleged Ashley Biden diary largely escaped notice–Project Veritas offices and James O’Keefe’s home were raided by the FBI last Thursday and Saturday because, according to Jack Hadfield of the National File:
A week and a half before the 2020 election, a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden’s diary to National File.

The Latest COVID Data out of Germany Is Yet More Proof That Mask and Vaccine Mandates Are Ridiculous
As Germany faces the highest COVID-19 infection rate since the start of the pandemic, new questions are raised about the efficacy of vaccine and mask mandates.

Very few things on this planet piss me off more than being called “anti-science” by those who have zero clue as to what the science says or defend those who are lying about the science, based upon their total lack of interest in the truth. Certainly, I have angered a good many readers here at RedState by saying statistical facts like “You have less of a chance of being hurt by a vaccine than you do of contracting and being hospitalized for COVID-19.” I also know I trigger the left more often when I post things like “Dr. Fauci is a liar and should be in prison,” or “the data doesn’t support mask and vaccine mandates so implementation of such is just an act of maintaining government control.” Fortunately, (*clearing throat to prepare for Ben Shapiro impression*) “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” And neither does data.

California’s Governor Went Missing After COVID Booster Shot and No One Knows Why
California Governor Gavin Newsom has gone missing and the media is unable to figure out why.

On October 27, 2021, Governor Newsom received his COVID booster shot. Since then, he has canceled a major international summit appearance and ghosted the totality of American media.

UPDATE: Gov. Newsom’s Wife Defends His Absence After Taking Booster Shot – Then Deletes Tweet in a Panic
California Governor Gavin Newsom has disappeared from the public since getting a Covid booster shot.
Newsom got a Covid booster on October 27 and posted video of him getting the jab online.
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