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The Honeycomb

3 years ago

It is the key to everything. I just recently learned that in the Bible when it refers to the honeycomb is talking about God’s word. I challenge everybody who sees this video notice how many honeycomb symbols you see in a day


  • 0/2000
  • The honeycomb is the most common (multiple) shape. Of course you're going to "see" them everywhere.

  • Fractal Geometry, found everywhere in nature and the Universe.

  • Ya it’s like the key of life.. it’s found in human dna, and today I was watching a video on mushrooms and it’s in mushrooms too..

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  • Guess what the symbol of AI is.. it s the same as the honeycomb, graphene and blockchain.. yes honeycomb is found in nature but man made the symbols.. and it’s wicked..

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