Importance Of Non Verbal Communication In Business - EVERYTHING Sends A Message @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

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importance of non verbal communication in business

Often I talk about persuasion -- especially as it relates to you and your online business. And I've mentioned in the past about there only being two kinds of persuasion -- good persuasion and bad persuasion.

That is, things you say and do and present to others that makes them feel positive...or things you say, do, and present that makes others feel uncomfortable or negative. In other words, the things we say, do, and present to our target market either draws them closer to us or pushes them further away.

And this includes everything in your business...from the words you use in your emails, to the colours on your website. Check this out -- I'll let you in on exactly what's happening here...everything I do in my videos here, as an example, is intentional.

It may all come across as casual and natural, and that's exactly the intention. It's all designed to be relaxed, positive, and genuine...because that's who I am and that's what my work with Ten Ton is all about.

And at the root of it all is an understanding of positive persuasion...making you the viewer feel relaxed and comfortable.

Look at this video's backdrop...maps, ships that say "discovery," tools, a compass, a globe, a space rocket, and so on. What do these things say? They imply finding new things, learning new things, exploring, getting dirty and hands-on and tactile with the tools we need. It's all intentional.

Look at all the books, notepads, pens, and junk all over the place. The truth is, this isn't just a video backdrop...this is my ACTUAL workspace. I work here. And I want to communicate that too -- that you and I are working together, researching, taking notes, and exploring together.

Look at the dark wood, the warm, inviting lighting. Further, have you noticed that I ALWAYS wear a black t-shirt? ALWAYS? Why? It's just part of the brand and the image.

None of this is by accident. It's all very intentional...but none of it is trying to fool you or manipulate you. Instead, it's about creating a positive non-verbal message. Think of it this way: I have to put SOMETHING in the background.

I could have put a blackboard in the background (and I thought for a while about doing that) but that's not the messaging I want to send because many people have negative associations to classrooms.

I could have rented a Lamborghini and shot videos in my garage, but that's not the sort of image I want to portray either.

Here's how I think of it: Everything we do, both inside and outside our businesses communicates a message to the outside world. The way you're dressed right now is sending signals to other people.

The words you use in your emails and in your communication is another form of messaging. The point here is rather than being unconscious about these things, to instead be very conscious and very intentional about the KIND of messages we want to send.

For your business, do you want to be seen as being a luxury brand? The toughest and most durable? The sleekest? Consciously decide...and then work that into everything you do.


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