Six cops violently detain terminally man for MOONING HIS BUM at speed camera

2 years ago

A terminally-ill retired university lecturer was arrested by six police officers in his back garden - for baring his BUM at a speed camera which was on his bucket list.

Darrell Meekcom,55, drew up a list of things he wanted to do before he dies after being given the tragic news last month he had multiple system atrophy.

Among the items on the bucket list was to moon a speed camera which he managed to tick off last Friday (5/11) when he bared his behind to a van in Kidderminster, Worcs.

But the disabled dad-of-two and former nurse was left stunned when the driver of the van failed to see the funny side and contacted colleagues to report the "indecent exposure".

Just 20 minutes later three police cars pulled up outside the home of Darrell - who also has Parkinson's Disease and heart and kidney problems - and demanded to be let in.

When he refused, officers raided the home and kicked down the garden gate before wrestling him to the ground to put him in cuffs.

Mobile phone footage filmed by wife Sarah, 36, a nurse, shows Darrell calmly telling officers: "I'm terminally ill, I won't be able to breathe like this.

"This is ridiculous - I moonied a speed camera. I moonied a speed camera."

One female officer can be heard replying: "Well that is a significant statement that you have just made to us."

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