Whistleblower Exposes Data Integrity Issues in Pfizer’s Clinical Trial

3 years ago

According to its newly published earnings report, Pfizer is proverbially swimming in cash. In fact, both its revenue, as well as its profits, have more than doubled in the third quarter of this year, when you compare it to a year ago.

And most of that growth, as you can guess, is being driven by vaccine sales.

That number might climb even higher in the near future—since at this very moment, the CDC is considering whether or not to allow 5- to 11-year-olds to get the shot as well.

If that comes through, that would obviously be a lot of new customers for Pfizer.

However, not everything is peaches and cream.

That’s because, according to a new report that was just published in the British Medical Journal, a whistleblower from one of the subcontractors that ran several of Pfizer’s clinical trial sites is alleging that the trial was plagued with issues—including the falsification of data, unblinded patients, as well as very big delays in following up on adverse reactions.

And the kicker is that after she reported this to the FDA, she was fired within several hours.


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