How Important Are Social Media Analytics In The World Of Marketing - BIG Truths! @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

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how important are social media analytics in the world of marketing

Views and subs on YouTube or the equivalent on other social platforms is like karma on Reddit or upvotes or gold coins in Super Mario...they don't mean anything, really. For online business owners like us, beyond maybe some social proof, it's all quite worthless in the real world. Fake internet points.

Yet, people treat this stuff as if it's a currency that has value. "Going viral" or whatever. Social media is a STATUS game (look how many people follow me!). Is that the game you want to play? Or would you rather build an audience around fulfilling work that you enjoy?

And further, think of it all like this: Imagine you have a weekly newsletter you run to help promote your online business. What articles will you write? What topics will you cover? What will you talk about that your audience will find interesting and valuable?

This is exactly what content marketing is all about. And it doesn't really matter how many people view it or subscribe or click the Like button...none of that matters. Why?

First because what you really want are the RIGHT kinds of people finding it and viewing it, and second, because the REAL goal is to get them to join your audience once they've viewed your content. Views and likes are irrelevant.

Here's one more thing to churn around: There's a cumulative and compounding aspect to content marketing, which is impossible with paid advertising. What I mean here is, everything you publish online continues to attract people from the audience you seek to serve for a long, long time after you've clicked "Publish."


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