Freedom Defenders Rally - Madhu Sekharan - October 24th, 2021

3 years ago

Attorney Madhu Sekharan is a Texas civil attorney with J.D. and M.B.A. degrees. He graduated from UT Austin with a Finance Degree. Attorney Sekharan law practice focuses on small business clients and his work as a plaintiff’s includes areas such as mass torts, personal injury, medical malpractice and pharma cases. He has successfully resolved hundreds of cases on behalf of his clients against defendants such as BP Oil, big pharma companies, and negligent doctors and hospitals with medical malpractice cases. Attorney Sekharan is a conservative, and patriotic. He was born in India and came to America at 4 years
of age. He is pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-military, and a big supporter of religious liberties. Attorney Sekharan is a populist who believes in reducing the power of big government, while empowering the hardworking taxpayers of America. His faith and belief in God are central to his life and work.

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