Mysteriously ~ Miraculously So

2 years ago

I really like mystery novels. I especially enjoy them when the plot takes a different course from what I thought the endgame would be. Mystery is really cool, especially when we think we have it all figured out and BOOM, the plot twists and the confusion thickens! Our lives are a mystery book being written by God. Mysterious! The Lord is a great mystery writer. At times, my heart skips a beat at the sudden way He changes things up and I hear myself say: “You have got to be kidding me?!!” Many times, I have not been at all sure where God was taking me, and every bump in the road made me nauseously anxious. LOL! We don’t really know how to figure out God at times, and we definitely struggle, trying to wrap our minds around the mystery He is writing in our lives. Sometimes, nothing makes sense, we don’t know what He is doing, or where He is taking us, but we know we can trust Him. God is leading us, and thankfully every step we take in this life is God ordained, bringing us closer to God’s endgame, our true destiny. I know if I had the pen and was writing my own life story, that I definitely would have done things differently. If I could order my own way, I am thinking, well… I know, I would have taken the easy way, the way of least resistance, because I don’t like change and I hate conflict! I probably would not do anything that stretched me past what I was comfortable with. If you could write your own life story, would you stay in your comfort zone? God has definitely NOT kept me in a comfort zone and I don’t like it at times, but I am grateful that He does care enough about me as a person to equip my character and stretch my faith. Without some mystery in our lives, our faith would never be stretched and we definitely would not grow up or grow at all, because without challenge, we stay the same monotonous, boring life. God is an incredible mystery Himself, so when our lives are penned by the mystery writer, the God adventure is great. Give God the pen, let Him write Your mystery and enjoy the God Adventure. Miraculously, Mysteriously So! God bless ya. Dig Deeper:

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