KGB defector about how to take America, clip from 1983

3 years ago

BlazeTV uploaded this to yucktub on Sep 3, 2021
I am astonished it is still up there:

I am copying it to here so it stays available once the Fkucerborg minions get around understanding the contents of this.
However, since none of the 'censors' are people with real knowledge or certifications, beyond participation trophies, chances are they won't understand this or even watch the content attentively. An attention span longer than that of a pigeon would be required.

This is exactly it. Watch the guy lay it out.
This is how the people who want to control any free country do proceed.

While in a dictatorship, or other oppressed and resigned to oppression based environment people do no longer care:
on one side because 'there is no choice' attitudes,
on the other side nobody is 'in charge' and everything decays,
and no pride in workmanship since it does not matter,

in a free society there lies a responsibility with every individual.

Especially in a democracy, where every voter exercises their rule as the real sovereign at the time of voting.
Once people stop doing 'their homework', become complacent and 'vote partyline', not paying attention, especially with local 'small, insignificant' offices, that start now frequently the political career of true nutjobs,
or vote for party operatives, who's only goal is to promote 'the party' no matter what, with no interest about real issues,

in this current American environment society will be taken over.

It is not just one single entity that wants control, there are a couple:
foreign actors - try to weaken that society into international insignificance and take over the economy and resources
radical religious groups - re-minting 'freedom of religion' into 'freedom to discriminate/not serve people who do not share their radical religious "values" (our way or death, in Islam, in so called "Christianity", in 'pick-and-choose' basic text interpreters).

This cannot be fixed by laws and regulations.
Parents have given control over their children's education to party operatives by not voting, or not paying close attention to who they vote for in school boards.
This is what has caused this current situation: people who prefer to sit on their couch and consume media, instead of communicating with neighbors and other children other than "what's for potluck".

If you talk about your neighbor instead communicate with your neighbor then you are the epicenter of this problem.

Since the early to mid 80s this society has changed into the worst possible.

Then: enter an Interstate: people let merge, make a zipper, each one lets one in, and nobody tried to pass on the right side to get in a couple of cars more ahead.

Today: truckers accelerate to block people in the process of merging (totally visible at their smoke stacks), or slow down to let people hang in the merging lane when they want to merge behind (totally audible when they motor-brake without lighting the brake lights).
This is one of the many litmus papers that show the total decline of a once wonderful, free, tolerant, and inclusive society, but one that sticks out and is very easy to document.

How this can be fixed?

Very easily, no laws, no revolution, no violence needed:

everyone do their homework:
- do not vote someone into any office for the third or higher numbered term.

'but the others will': some always will, but there are more good people than evil ones: evilness, corruption, lying, cheating, stealing, answering with violence when one cannot be right, the 'need to win and argument no matter what', all these are forms of mental illness.

In the old times such people got taken care of, until the late 1700s especially in small rural communities: one or a couple of people were designated to remove the ill person. Faces blackened with charcoal, in black clothes, all measures to efface themselves from an action that is delegated to them by the community, to enable them to do 'the unthinkable'.
Yes, there was abuse. But tyrants then could be taken care off also very easily, and in one instance, where the people were forbidden to have any kind of weapons, during an event they rose up, had mussel shells, and cut the despotic queen's flesh off her bones. There is always a way.

- next item: do not vote for party operatives, who make promises
do the math: do not forget they don't have any money, the only money they have comes from you! Your hard earned money they try then to get to do their projects that benefits friends, family, themselves. If they promise you to give you $1 then they need to collect up to $1.50 from you to cover the cost and corrupt handouts that make giving you $1 possible.

- check out who you vote for: make sure these people have earned money, earned richess (which is a good thing), are hard working individuals
make sure not to vote for anyone who mingles state and religion: they are separated for a reason. If you want to mix that then move to Afghanistan, Iran, Irak, where state and religion is mixed, and leave this free nation alone.

- and for all who magically got rich "giving up their life to serve" in Congress (replace congress with 'as mayor', 'as school board member', 'as school principal'):
never ever ever vote for those no matter how sweet their talk is.

All this means: everyone can take care of the mess on every local, state, federal election:
do not vote party line
do not vote people in for a third time or more
do investigate who the candidates are and where their
money comes from
do write in the candidate of your choice if none of the listed
candidates pass your muster

"what does it matter, I waste my vote writing in Joe Blow"

if you think about writing in 'Joe Blow' because you did your homework, and he is the best really: so will others.
Great minds think alike!
If you are on the good side then you have a silent mass of people who will exactly do the same you do. And a truck driver can all of a sudden become elected, dethroning a despotic little wannabe Hinkel corrupt money sucking long term serving his corrupt fellowship state senate head.

Watch what this guy says a couple of times.
Do not do this before going to bed.
You will not be able to sleep.

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