Boris on Sky News - Get your booster jabs even though you can still get infected and infect others

3 years ago

There have been 1,632 as of the 3th. September 2021 in the U.K. Yellow Card Reporting here only 1-10% is captured, link here;

There have been 23,276 as of the 19th August 2021 in E.E.U. Eudra Vigilance here only -10%is captured, link here;.

There have been 14,362 (45,000 according to CDC whistleblower) as of the 29th August 2021 in the U.S.A. VAERS here only 1% is captured, link here;

And millions of adverse effects and those that have yet not resulted in disease or death in this slow progress spike protein degenerative blood disorders.

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