EPISODE #8 | The Plumley Pod | 2 schoolboys from the same school die independently in the same week

3 years ago

Two schoolboys from the same school die independently in the same week, but nobody dare suggest why.

Schoolchildren dying is extremely rare, two in a week from the same school that were not, for example, on the same coach on a trip abroad, is unheard of.

If it were really about health there would be an investigation into the tragic deaths of these two teenage boys.

One of the two almost certainly won’t have had a post-mortem as he was of Muslim faith and therefore was likely buried within 24-hours. He was said to have died on the 24th October and his funeral was held on the 26th.

Also, Scottish primary school tells boys to wear skirts to school in the name of ‘equality’, 70% of Ontario parents WILL jab their 5-11-year-old kids AND staff and student “activists” at Leeds University demand that personal pronouns are used on emails and in seminars!

Links to all sources can be accessed here:

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Sarah Plumley

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