Build Website Yourself Or Hire Someone? Pros vs Cons DETAILED! @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

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build website myself or hire someone

There are definitely pros and cons...benefits and hiring someone to build your website for you versus building it yourself. I always advocate for doing it yourself, but ultimately it's up to you. Let's take a closer look at some of these pros and cons.

One big drawback of hiring someone to build your website for you is that you might wind up hiring the wrong person. How can you know they'll be trustworthy, responsive, and charging you honestly? How do you know they'll be there for you if something goes awry?

"Oh yeah, yeah, you can do that." Then you sign up and pay, and it turns out you can't do what you wanted. If things don't work out with a designer, if they flake out on you, if they turn out to be untrustworthy... have to start all over again from scratch. You'll be back at zero. You'll have lost all that time (weeks, months) and all that money (often thousands), and you'll have nothing to show for it.

A benefit of learning how to build your business website yourself is autonomy. Once you learn the basics, you can handle everything yourself. You know exactly how your website was built and how it functions.

You can make changes and updates yourself very quickly, add new products, change pricing, run promotions, and so on. You don't have to rely on anyone else or be restrained by anyone else's schedule...and you can essentially run your online business yourself.

You can make changes whenever and however you want, at 3am. On a Sunday afternoon. On Christmas Eve...anytime! And if you need some help -- maybe you just don't have time or maybe there's something that's a bit beyond your skill level -- then you can hire someone on a temporary basis.

Another big benefit is how low cost it is. You can build your entire online business for a fraction of the cost of hiring someone to do it all for you.

And, all the skills and knowledge you learn are transferrable -- you can apply everything you learn to future projects -- other online businesses you want to build, other online projects you want to create, and so on.


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